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22 Advertisement in Rural Repository, September 21, 1836, vol. 8, no. 8, p. 64.
23 Obituary of Sarah Stoddard, Hudson Evening Register, November 14, 1877.

24 Woman of the Century, eds. Willard and Livermore, pp. 271-272.

25 The portrait is discussed and illustrated in Ruth Piwonka and Roderic H. Blackburn, Ammi Phillips in Columbia County (Kinderhook, New York, 1975), p. 7, fig. 9.  The catalog accompanied an exhibition of the same title.

26 According to notes in a record of the portrait of Ashbel Stoddard found in the Collections Search Center of the Smithsonian Institution, the portrait was included in an American folk art exhibition, Amherst, MA, Mead Art Building, Amherst College, 1974.