Words in Art in 20th Century, Modern & Contemporary Fine Art
on Thursday, June 8 at 11am
Words and letters have been used by artists throughout the 20th century, beginning with the Cubists who incorporated pieces of printed newspaper and paper labels into their still life paintings. Collage artist Kurt Schwitters used printed material of all sorts in his compositions, as did Dada artists and Pop artists in Europe and America. Conceptual artists like Bruce Nauman and Ed Ruscha use words to explore visual ideas and th emeaning of language itself. With a focus on socio-policital issues, Jenny Holzer and Barbara Kruger use words as a call to action to bring awareness to issues of discrimination, sexism and racism in the art world and beyond.
Our June 8th 20th Century, Modern & Contemporary Fine Art sale offers an interesting selection of works that incorporate words into their compositions. Highlights in this group include works by Bruce Nauman, Robert Indiana, Allen Ruppersberg, Graham Fagen, Jim Hodges, Wes Lang, Raymond Pettibon Lucas Samaras and Joseph Kosuth.